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  • Writer's picturehairbrained98

Women’s Excellence: A series


A full yet fulfilling day was had by all.

this was a first for me, working along side Melissa, doing dynamic shots with movement and action. it was fun and somewhat challenging simply from a hair perspective ,as I wasn’t sure with all the action & jumping around , how her hair would translate on camera?

Being an entrepreneur, Melissa wanted to capture both some lifestyle photos as well some maerketing material for business.

We also ones that reflected and crossed over into her personal life. Exercise movement and workouts are important part of Melissa’s lifestyle and became passionate enough that she took on a teacher role.

so we started there

lets get some action shots and see what comes of it…..

This is what came of it…

strong yet feminine

nothing contrived, just letting whatever happens play out. these mid air - flying hair photos are just so fun! And she had us cheering her on sans pom poms

after playing with that action, I did a quick restyle of hair, to offer her other ways of styling for her busy and multi faceted career. Feels slightly “ Cindy Crawford 90’s “ throwback

is it crimped is scrunched? Who really knows - well, I do ( insert cheeky smirk)

it’s a wearable look that can be dressed down ( think Calgary stampede) or up kicked up a notch like this look. We could have easily thrown some denim on her and it would have worked beautifully also.

From soft and natural in her first athletic look, to tousled and textured, we went into having way fun - I m making that a saying- and kicked up the sexy factor

working with the texture I did in her hair from the previous images, I wanted her hair up, but edgy and sexy. doing these editorials, i Need to restyle on the fly! it needs to be fast, efficient , being mindful of how worked over her hair had been by this time already but also professional in front of the lens

again nothing contrived, as that just wouldn’t be her

i freaking loved how they turned out

Medorann worked her lighting magic and the hues of blue and copper turned out just so

sultry moody inviting

because I work and style intuitively, I always ask my clients & models to give me 3 words

3 words to represent how you want to FEEL. It’s never how you look. That falls into place naturally once you know how you want to feel


And there you have it,

another beautiful photoshoot spent with beautiful ladies.





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