i recently had the pleasure to engage in an advanced hands - on hair painting course with a huge local talent and amazing presence in the hair community, DAWN BRADLEY.

my gracious model: lets call her She

She's before images
i have been freehand painting for years but there is always the need to find balance between honoring a clients request, and my desire to step outside the box.
for those open enough to sitting in my chair and saying "Tara-do your thing" "do whatever, I trust you" and you know who you are (and i thank you for that) than this is perhaps a familiar topic in regards to your hair color. You are perhaps familiar with the mess. I'm talking sweet sweet mess.
for those of you seeing words like "balayage" "hair painting" "free hand coloring" on social media or blogging sites but not sure what the deal is, or anyone interested in something a little fun, a little different but have been too uncomfortable to ask ..I'm here to help.

Here is a brief dissection, as well what you can expect to look like in the salon, with the method of hair painting as so make it less confusing and have a new application to your color repertoire.

She's processing images. this is what you can expect to look like during
in very simplistic terms, the difference between balayage and foil highlights?
think of foils as your hot oven vs. hair painting as the slow cooker.
they both yield delicious results, it depends on what your tastes and preferences are (what the end game is)
anyone else hungry now?
foils give you higher lift lighter brighter results roots to ends, and instant "pop" at the root.
free hand gives you a softer "juicier" blend more natural softer hues of color range and is lower maintenance.

seriously, how hot is She.
here is She's finished results. seamless soft subtle.
so i hope this gives you a teaser, or better understanding of what else is available for your next color service. Never met me, but curious as to what i can offer or your looking for a new salon or hair experience?
In the words of Blondie.....
as always, i love to answer any questions surrounding this topic, as its like candy to a kid for me and i welcome the opportunity to offer my clients something new and a little -outside the box.
this was a little like the tip of the iceberg scenario when it coming to hair painting. the real juice comes when your sitting in my chair and i get to personalize and prescribe your hair color specifically to you...